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Eagles (Y4/5/6)

Welcome to Class 3!

Year 5/6 is such an exciting and incredibly busy time for our pupils! There is a lot of responsibility and independence expected from the children, but this is great way to support the year 6 children with their transition up to high school and the year 5 children with their transition into Year 6.  

This year they are being taught by Mrs Loring, Mrs Sanders and Mrs Fairburn, assisted by Miss Orr who is a Teaching Assistant.  

We follow the White Rose maths mastery scheme which promotes the mantra that EVERYONE can do maths.  Gone is the stigma attached to maths and through this, we deliver a whole new culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress. 

Mrs Slater is our school literacy lead and has a passion for spreading her love of reading to everyone.  

Key Information:

Homework- We ask that children read at home every day.  This really helps them to become confident fluent readers and opens up a wealth of books for them to enjoy.  Each child has also been issued login details for Timetable rockstars.  We love celebrating our achievements through this together.  

PE- Our PE day is a Monday.  Please bring warm clothes as our PE sessions will be outside whenever possible.