Hawks (Y1/2)
Homework – times tables, spelling and reading
Children need to be completing times table, spelling and reading homework by Friday each week – see additional information below.
Times tables
Year | Expectations |
Year 1 | Countmultiples of 2, 5,and,10. Recall and use all doubles to 10 and corresponding halves. |
Year 2 |
x and ÷ 10, 2, 5 |
Children should know their times tables off by heart by the end of Year 4. The government has introduced a compulsory times table check for Year 4 pupils. This is a timed test allowing 6 seconds per question.
Children should visit https://ttrockstars.com/login to play at least ten ‘Garage’ times table games by Friday each week. The times tables they are able to access through ‘Garage’ games will reflect the level they are at in class. They will then have a times table test on Friday. If you don’t have access to the internet, please let me know, as worksheets can be provided instead. Use of the internet is preferable however, as this is how they will be tested in Year 4.
Please make sure your child practises their spellings. These will be added to Class Dojo every Monday to learn for a test on Friday. Please help your child to learn these words at home through practising the word and putting it into a sentence.
Please record reading at home in your child’s reading record at least once per week. The more often you can read with your child, the more fluent they will become and the easier they will find all aspects of their learning. The reading record will be on Class Dojo unless you require a paper copy.
Other homework
A homework task will be set every Monday to be completed by the following Monday. Dojo points will be awarded for any homework completed.
Water, fruit and milk
Please make sure your child has a water bottle every day, containing water or juice. Children may bring fruit from home for a morning snack. If you’d like to pay for milk, please ask at the School Office.
Nut allergies
There are children and adults in school with nut allergies. Packed lunch and treats for birthdays must be checked carefully to ensure they are completely nut-free.
A topic map will be added to the class page every half term showing the unit of work to be covered.